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  Operatiuni Speciale, Intelligence, Avertizari de Integritate, Securitate Globala | Demo Teste, Cursuri, Kituri, Simulari, Exercitii, Resurse de Training si Assessmen | Despre Mirela Minciu (Gilca) -Consultant /Trainer/ Evaluator | Contact | Testimoniale | Blog Mirela Minciu (Gilca)

CATALOG DE e-Learning

1. Infokit 

2. Gaseste cursuri potrivite competentelor pe care vrei sa le dezvolti

3. Pret e-Learning / Pret pachete

  • 62 de titluri de e_learning disponibile in limbile Engleza si Romana
  • Kituri e_learning reproductibile: achizitionate o singura data pot fi utilizate nelimitat in cadrul organizatiei dvs.
  • sunt customizabile
  • se pot adapta platformei dvs. de e-Learning sau, daca nu aveti o platforma de e_learning va furnizam tot sistemul de rulare similar


      e-Learning pe competente:

  • Change Management

      - Leading Others Through Change

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  • Coaching

      - Coaching for Development

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       - Coaching Conversations

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       - Delegating for Growth

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       - Developing Your Direct Reports

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       - Learning to Manage

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       - Motivating Employees to Be Their Best
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  • Communication

      - The Art and Science of  Communication

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                 - The Art of Influencing Others

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                 - Assertiveness Skills

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                 - Talk Like a Leader

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                 - Effective Listening Skills

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                - Supervisor Communication Skills
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                - Navigating Difficult Conversations

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                - Developing Positive Relationships at Work

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                - Skillful Collaboration

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                - Super Manager

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      - Solid Business Writing
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  • Conflict & Stress Management       

      - Navigating Difficult Conversations

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                 - Taking Control of Conflict

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                 - How to Manage Your Emotions

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      - Resilience

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  • Creativity & Innovation

      - Ideas Into Action

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      - Mental Models

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  • Diversity & Harassment

      - Cultural Competency

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       - Diversity Awareness Training

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       - Women and Leadership

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       - Ethics in the Workplace
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  • Emotional Intelligence

      - Developing Positive Relationships at Work

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      - How to Manage Your Emotions

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      - Emotional Intelligence

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      - Resilience

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      - Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence

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  • Employee & Professional Development

      - Learning to Manage

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      - Motivating Employees to Be Their Best
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      - Effective Listening Skills

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      - Developing Positive Relationships at Work

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      - Solid Business Writing
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      - Ethics in the Workplace
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      - Business Etiquette

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      - Critical Thinking Skills

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      - Social Media at Work

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      - Productive Work Habits

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      - How to Make Yourself Indispensable

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  • Finance

      - Financial Intelligence

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  • Human Resources

      - Organizational Trust

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      - Behavioral Interviews

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      - Succession Planning
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  • Leadership & Management

      - Leading Others Through Change

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      - Delegating for Growth

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      - Developing Your Direct Reports

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      - Talk Like a Leader

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      - Supervisor Communication Skills
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      - Adapting Your Leadership Style

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      - Women and Leadership

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      - Leadership 101

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      - Learning to Manage

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      - Organizational Trust

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      - The Toughest Supervisor Challenges

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      - Systems Thinking

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      - Managing Offsite Employees

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  •  Negotiating & Sales

      - Selling Essentials: Understaning the Sales Cycle

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      - Selling Essentials: Prospecting & Territory Management

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      - Selling Essentials: Opening the Sales Call

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      - Selling Essentials: What to Ask & How to Listen

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      - Selling Essentials: Preventing Solutions, Overcoming Objections & Closing the Sale

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      - Selling Essentials: Developing Clients for Life

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      - Selling Essentials: Coaching for Performance

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  • Organizational Development

      - Delegating for Growth

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      - Ethics in the Workplace
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      - Managing Offsite Employees

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      - Organizational Trust

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      - Fundamentals of Strategic Planning

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      - Ideas Into Action

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      - Succession Planning
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      - Mental Models

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  • Performance Management

      - Motivating Employees to Be Their Best
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  • Problem Solving & Decision Making

      - Critical Thinking Skills

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      - Systems Thinking

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      - Creative Problem Solving

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      - Mental Models

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      - Why we Struggle with Tough Decisions

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  • Project Management

      - Skillful Collaboration

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      - Productive Work Habits

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      - Managing Offsite Employees

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  • Selling Essentials

      - Selling Essentials: Understanding the Sales Cycle

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      - Selling Essentials: Prospecting & Territory Management

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      - Selling Essentials: Opening the Sales Call

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      - Selling Essentials: What to Ask & How to Listen

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      - Selling Essentials: Presenting Solutions, Overcoming Objections & Closing the Sale

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      - Selling Essentials: Developing Clients for Life

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      - Selling Essentials: Coaching for Performance

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  • Team Building

      - Skillful Collaboration

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      - Organizational Trust

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      - Team Excellence

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      - Team Chemistry

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  • Team Management & Meetings

      - Balancing Priorities

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      - Meetings

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      - Productive Work Habits

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      - Time Management
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Resurse De Training

LEADERSHIP si MANAGEMENT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COMUNICARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Business Games - Jocuri de invatare
INTELIGENTA EMOTIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL CONFLICTELOR SI AL STRESULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DIVERSITATEA SI HARTUIREA:cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL TIMPULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
TEAM BUILDING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL SCHIMBARII: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENT DE PROIECT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
ANALIZA, LUARE DECIZII, REZOLVARE PROBLEME: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
EVALUAREA SI DEZVOLTAREA PERFORMANTEI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
VANZARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DEZVOLTARE ORGANIZATIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
CUSTOMER SERVICE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
NEGOCIERE: kituri, resurse, cursuri, teste, activitati, jocuri
CREATIVITATE SI INOVATIE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COACHING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Evaluari de selectie, competente si instrumente HR (180, 360 grade)
Exercitii pentru Evaluare si Training
Simulari, Situatii, Scenarii de Business (28)
Arhiva Evenimente, Cursuri, Coaching
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