NATO Communication and Information ACADEMY
NCY Academy Cyberspace Learning Catalogue
Militari / Civili / Comandanti / Manageri / Operativi / Intelligence / Logistica / Consultanti / Strategi /
Furnizori / Parteneri / Jurnalisti / Presa Militara
1. Tailored Training (non-CSLA) (click pe titlu pentru detalii)
Audience: NCI Agency - Internal, External Customers / Press
Audiences: NCI Agency - Internal, External Customers, Press
Security Clerance : Not required
Security Classification: Not required
2. NATO C4ISR Technology Orientation (click pe titlu pentru detalii)
4 days
The purpose of this orientation is to provide NATO military and civilian commanders and staff
of the NATO Command Structure,
NATO Force Structure,
NATO National Entities
and supporting
NATO Agencies an initial overview of
NATO C4ISR technologies, services and capabilities.
The orientation will touch on C4ISR related and NATO specific:
1. Organization
2. Technology, service terminology and organization of capabilities
3. Transmission and deployable Communications IS
4. Command and Control
5. Functional Area Services
6. Communications Security and Cyber Defence
3. LOGFAS Fundamentals and Data Operator (click pe titlu pentru detalii)
8 days
To provide military and civilian personnel at NATO, NATO Nations, Partner Nations and Organisations Headquarters with training in the use of the LOGFAS Common Modules and Logistic Reporting (LOGREP).
This includes
- the creation of the Geographic Data (Map Projects, Maps, Locations, Infrastructure and Networks), Basic LOGFAS Data (Items, Forces and Assets)
- and Force Generation Data (SOR and ADL)
that is used
by the
Allied Deployment and Movements System (ADAMS),
Effective Visible Execution (EVE)
and Coalition Reception, Staging
and Onward Movement (CORSOM)
modules of the LOGFAS Software
to support
- the deployment activities of forces,
- Logistic Reporting (LOGREP)
- and related modules for sustainment planning and reporting.
The use of LOGFAS software to extract the information based on the Basic Data to support staff work.
This course is a prerequisite and must be completed with NCIA Certification for personnel who attend LOGFAS Strategic and Movements Planning (Course ID: A0224), LOGFAS Movement Execution and Coordination (Course ID: A0223), LOGFAS Operational Movement Planning (Course ID: A0222) and LOGFAS Sustainment Planning and Distribution (Course ID: A0253).
4. TOPFAS OPT for User (click pe titlu pentru detalii)
5 days
The purpose of the course is to train,
at initial level, military and civilian personnel
from Allied and National Headquarters
to use the Operations Planning Tool (OPT) module
of the NATO developed -Tool for Operations Planning Functional Area Services- (TOPFAS),
in support
of the Comprehensive Operations Planning Process (COPP).
It is also the mandatory
prerequisite course for TOPFAS OPT Train the Trainer (course ID A0285).
Note: for LVC the class size is 6/12 participants.
5. Crypto Administration (click pe titlu pentru detalii)
5 days
To provide military and civilian personnel with knowledge and skills required to perform as Cryptographic Custodian of a NATO Crypto account.
Emphasis will be on Policies and Procedures
used within Allied Command Operations (ACO)
and SECAN Doctrine
and Information Publication (SDIP).
This course provides the basic knowledge for Crypto Administration.
To become a fully certified NATO Crypto Custodian
the students need to complete the course CARDS for NATO Crypto Custodian (course ID A0006).
6. ITSM - Incident Management (click pe titlu pentru detalii)
1 day
To provide military and civilian personnel,
who are involved in 1/2/3 Line level support
to the operational processes Incident Management,
the knowledge and skills required to be able to carry out his/her duties properly.
NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Academy
The NCI Academy's Cyberspace
Learning Online Catalogue is available here
and via the NCI Academy's website here.