pentru a dezvolta competente, comportamente si atitudini, abilitati de resurse umane
Stim ca sunteti un trainer excelent! Iar un trainer excelent este apreciat indiferent daca este trainer intern sau trainer extern.
Ce ar fi sa va surprindeti participantii imbunatatindu-va sesiunile de invatare cu sesiuni de Training Video ! Puteti alege din 115 de cursuri - filme educationale care acopera o arie larga de topicuri: comunicare, asumarea responsabilitatii, inteligenta emotionala, leadership, diversitate, groupthink, cultura organizationala, teamwork si teambuilding, management si leadership, conflict si stress, orientare catre clienti, hartuiala la locul de munca, compliance si protocol.
Inserati Training Video in sesiunile dvs. atunci cand simtiti ca atentia participantilor este greu de pastrat!
Inserati in sesiunile dvs. de training filme ce vor captiva atentia participantilor dvs. si care vor ajuta la constientizare si dezvoltarea comportamentelor si a abilitatilor participantilor.
Puteti selecta titlurile si beneficiati de Ghidul Participantului, idei de facilitare a workshop-ului, prezentarea Power Point, materiale pentru participanti.
Trainingul Video pe suport DVD este o resursa excelenta in dezvoltarea abilitatilor si competentelor solicitate de corporatii, de institutii guvernamentale, de mediul de business.
Mai multe detalii la: 0741.097.033 /
sau vizitati pentru achizitia imediata a programului favorit
Competente dezvoltate de Trainigul Video pe suport DVD
Accountability That Works! DVD
Accountability Toolkit DVD
Accountability Toolkit, Government Version DVD
We're On The Same Team, Remember? DVD
Communicating Non-Defensively DVD
Communication Counts: Speaking and Listening for Results DVD
Communication In Healthcare DVD
Communication Toolkit DVD
Power Of Listening DVD
Respectful Communicator: The Part You Play DVD
Speaking Effectively To One Or One Thousand DVD
Verbal Communication: The Power Of Words DVD
Adult Learning DVD (DS
Managing Diversity DVD
Patient Diversity: Beyond the Vital Signs DVD
Peacock In the Land of Penguins DVD
Pigeonholed In The Land of Penguins DVD
Power of Expectations: The Pygmalion Effect, Educator's Cut DVD
Pygmalion Effect: Managing the Power Of Expectations 3rd Edition DVD
Respectful Communicator: The Part You Play DVD
The Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion DVD
The Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees DVD
Respectful Workplace: It Starts With You DVD
Discrimination in the Workplace DVD (DS)
Diversity in the Workplace DVD (DS)
GROUPTHINK management*
Abilene Paradox DVD
Groupthink, 2nd Edition DVD
A Better Way DVD
Attitude Virus: Curing Negativity in the Workplace, 2nd Edition DVD
Attitude Virus 2E, Government Version DVD
Attitude Virus 2E, Workforce (Manufacturing) Version DVD
Clarity Imperative: How Getting Everyone on the Same Page
Makes Your Organization Stand Out DVD
Everest DVD
Fun is Good! DVD
Leaders Of Character: Leadership - The West Point Way DVD
Race Without A Finish Line DVD
Everest DVD
Flight 232: The Power of Teamwork DVD
Magic Of We, Full Package DVD
Team Building: What Makes A Good Team Player? DVD
Teamwork In Crisis: The Miracle Of Flight 232 DVD
We're On The Same Team, Remember? DVD
Social Media at Work DVD
The Drug-Free Workplace
Groupthink, 2nd Edition e DVD - Manager & Employee Combo Version
A Leader's Guide to Delegating DVD
Courageous Followers, Courageous Leaders DVD
Leaders Of Character: Leadership - The West Point Way DVD
Leadership And Self-Deception DVD
Leadership And The New Science DVD
Positive Discipline DVD
Power of Expectations: The Pygmalion Effect, Educator's Cut DVD
Pygmalion Effect: Managing the Power Of Expectations 3rd Edition DVD
The Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion DVD
The Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees DVD
Supervisor Toolkit DVD
Taking Charge Of Change, Revised DVD
Taking Charge Of Change, Healthcare Version DVD
When The Coach Is You! DVD
OJT Mentor DVD (DS)
Leadership at Every Level DVD
Conflicts in the Workplace: Sources & Solutions DVD
Managing Ethics DVD
Performance Appraisals: Getting Results DVD
The Power of Positive Discipline DVD
The Well-Managed Meeting DVD
Workplace Ethics DVD
Managing the Workplace Bully DVD
Social Media at Work DVD
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free Workplace: Manager Edition DVD
Dealing with the Irate Customer DVD
Dealing With Conflict DVD
Dealing With Conflict, Healthcare Version DVD
Managing Stress DVD
Stress Is A Gift DVD
Teamwork In Crisis: The Miracle Of Flight 232 DVD
What to Do When Conflict Happens DVD
Working With You Is Killing Me DVD
Conflict Management DVD (DS)
Stress Management and Prevention DVD (DS)
Conflicts in the Workplace: Sources & Solutions DVD
Managing Ethics DVD
The Power of Positive Discipline DVD
Workplace Ethics DVD
Workplace Violence: The Early Warning Signs DVD - Employee Version
Managing the Workplace Bully DVD
Bullying and Respect in the Workplace DVD
Professional Email Etiquette DVD
When the Phone Rings: Telephone Skills for Better Service DVD
Social Media at Work DVD
Customer Service Counts DVD
Customer Service - the Telephone Connection DVD
Dealing with the Irate Customer DVD
Call Of The Mummy DVD
Cliff's Customer Service Adventure DVD
Customer Service Toolkit DVD
General Hospitable: Keeping Your Patients Satisfied…(and just plain keeping them) DVD
Healthcare Toolkit, Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
It's A Dog's World, 2nd Edition DVD
Other Side Of The Window: Providing Exceptional Service in Government DVD
Remember Me 3rd Edition DVD
We're On The Same Team, Remember? DVD
Bullying and Respect in the Workplace DVD
Conflicts in the Workplace: Sources & Solutions DVD
Harassment: Sex, Religion, and Beyond DVD - Employee Version
Harassment: Sex, Religion, and Beyond DVD - Manager's Version
Harassment: Sex, Religion, and Beyond DVD - California Manager Version
Workplace Violence: The Early Warning Signs DVD - Employee Version
Workplace Violence: The Early Warning Signs DVD - Manager Version
Managing the Workplace Bully DVD
Social Media at Work DVD
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free Workplace: Employee Edition DVD
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free Workplace: Manager Edition DVD
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free Workplace: California Manager Edition DVD
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free Workplace: Manager and Employee Edition
Discrimination in the Workplace DVD (DS
Sexual Harassment Awareness DVD (DS)
Violence in the Workplace DVD (DS)
How to Write and Deliver Great Speeches DVD
Earthquake Preparedness Training DVD
Earthquake Preparedness Training DVD
Substance Abuse Awareness DVD (DS)
Social Media at Work DVD
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free
Sexual Harassment: Training for a Harassment-Free
Customer Service - the Telephone Connection DVD
Dealing with the Irate Customer DVD
The Drug-Free Workplace DVD - Manager & Employee Combo Version
How to Write and Deliver Great Speeches DVD
Earthquake Preparedness Training DVD
HazMat: What You Need to Know DVD
A Leader's Guide to Delegating DVD
Abilene Paradox DVD
Accountability That Works! DV
Accountability Toolkit, Government Version DVD
Attitude Virus: Curing Negativity in the Workplace, 2nd Edition DVD
Attitude Virus 2E, Government Version DVD
Attitude Virus 2E, Workforce (Manufacturing) Version DVD
Call Of The Mummy DVD
Clarity Imperative: How Getting Everyone on the Same Page Makes Your Organization Stand Out DVD
Cliff's Customer Service Adventure DVD
Communicating Non-Defensively DVD
Communication Counts: Speaking and Listening for Results DVD
Communication In Healthcare DVD
Communication Toolkit DVD
Courageous Followers, Courageous Leaders DVD
Customer Service Toolkit DVD
Dealing With Conflict DVD
Dealing With Conflict, Healthcare Version DVD
Everest DVD
Flight 232: The Power of Teamwork DVD
Fun is Good! DVD
General Hospitable: Keeping Your Patients Satisfied…(and just plain keeping them)
Groupthink, 2nd Edition DVD
Healthcare Toolkit, Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
It's A Dog's World, 2nd Edition DVD
Leaders Of Character: Leadership - The West Point Way DVD
Leadership And Self-Deception DVD
Leadership And The New Science DVD
Magic Of We, Full Package DVD
Managing Diversity DVD
Managing Stress DVD
Other Side Of The Window: Providing Exceptional Service in Government DVD
Patient Diversity: Beyond the Vital Signs DVD
Peacock In the Land of Penguins DVD
Pigeonholed In The Land of Penguins DVD
Positive Discipline DVD
Power of Expectations: The Pygmalion Effect, Educator's Cut DVD
Power Of Listening DVD
Pygmalion Effect: Managing the Power Of Expectations 3rd Edition DVD
Race Without A Finish Line DVD
Remember Me 3rd Edition DVD
Respectful Communicator: The Part You Play DVD
The Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion DVD
The Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees DVD
Respectful Workplace: It Starts With You DVD
Speaking Effectively To One Or One Thousand DVD
Stress Is A Gift DVD
Supervisor Toolkit DVD
Taking Charge Of Change, Revised DVD
Taking Charge Of Change, Healthcare Version DVD
Team Building: What Makes A Good Team Player? DVD
Teamwork In Crisis: The Miracle Of Flight 232 DVD
Verbal Communication: The Power Of Words DVD
We're On The Same Team, Remember? DVD
What to Do When Conflict Happens DVD
When The Coach Is You! DVD
Working With You Is Killing Me DVD
Human Resources DVD Combo-Pack (DS)
Adult Learning DVD (DS)
Conflict Management DVD (DS)
Discrimination in the Workplace DVD (DS)
Diversity in the Workplace DVD (DS)
OJT Mentor DVD (DS)
Sexual Harassment Awareness DVD (DS)
Stress Management and Prevention DVD (DS)
Substance Abuse Awareness DVD (DS)
Violence in the Workplace DVD (DS
Leadership at Every Level DVD
Conflicts in the Workplace: Sources & Solutions DVD
Workplace Ethics DVD
Professional Email Etiquette DVD
Professional Email Etiquette DVD
Bullying and Respect in the Workplace DVD
When the Phone Rings: Telephone Skills for Better Service DVD
Harassment: Sex, Religion, and Beyond DVD - Employee Version
Managing Ethics DVD
Performance Appraisals: Getting Results DVD
Workplace Violence: The Early Warning Signs DVD - Employee Version
Harassment: Sex, Religion, and Beyond DVD - Manager's Version
Harassment: Sex, Religion, and Beyond DVD - California Manager Version
Managing the Workplace Bully DVD
The Power of Positive Discipline DVD
Workplace Violence: The Early Warning Signs DVD - Manager Version