Teste de Inteligenta pentru adulti / tineri / copii, utilizate in procese de selectie a candidatilor, de identificare a potentialului si in proiecte de consiliere in cariera / vocationala: www.testedeabilitati.ro
- Test de evaluare inteligenta si stil de procesare a informatiilor - GAMA (Evaluator Licentiat Mirela Minciu-Gâlcă/ test acreditat de Colegiul psihologilor -COPSI)
- Test inteligenta -MAB II (extras) (Evaluator licential - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă / Test acreditat COPSI)
- Test de inteligenta IST (Evaluator licential - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă / Test acreditat COPSI)
Teste de personalitate, comportamentale (chestionare si teste proiective) pentru adulti / tineri / copii: www.testedeabilitati.ro
- Test personalitate CPI 260 PLUS (Evaluator licentiat - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă / Test acreditat COPSI)
- Test personalitate NEO-FFI (Evaluator licentiat Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă - Test acreditat COPSI)
- Test personalitate - NEOPIR
- Testul SZONDI (Test Proiectiv - Evaluator - Mirela Minciu-Gălcă)
- Testul familiei (test proiectiv - Evaluator - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă)
- Testul - familia fantastica (test proiectiv - Evaluator - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă)
- Testul -arborele (test proiectiv - Evaluator - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă)
- Test RORSCHACH (Test Proiectiv - Evaluator - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă)
- a) Test de evaluare abilitati comerciale si de vânzari - PASAT 2000 - raport de selectie (Evaluator licentiat - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă / test acreditat COPSI))
- b) Test de evaluare abilitati comerciale si de vanzari - PASAT 2000 - raport descriptiv (Evaluator licentiat - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă / test acreditat COPSI)
- Test inteligenta emotionala EQI (extras)
- Test stress ocupational JSS
- Test interese vocationale (copii, adulti) - SDS (Evaluator licentiat Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă - Test acreditat COPSI)
- Test motivatie - AMI (Test acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor COPSI)
- Test motivatie - TOM (Test acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor COPSI)
TESTE PENTRU COPIII / ADOLESCENTI www.testedeabilitati.ro
- Test de evaluare a abilitatilor de leadersip si stilurilor personale ale copiilor - stiluri personale - LSI
- Test interese vocationale (copii, adulti) - SDS (Evaluator licentiat Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă - Test acreditat COPSI)
- Test de valuare a personalitatii copiilor HIPIC (Evaluator licentiat Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă - Test acreditat COPSI)
- Evaluare: ce liceu mi se potriveste? (Autor Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă)
- Evaluare: ce facultate mi se potriveste? (Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă
- Evaluare PORTRET DE FAMILIE (PARINTI - COPII) - Mirela Minciu-Gîlcă
2. PREVIEW: COLECTII EXERCITII SI ACTIVITATI ideale pentru organizatii, universitati, organizatii de stat din apărare si securitate www.ResurseDeTraining.ro
- 22 Training Events for Developing Team Leaders
- 50 Communication Skills Activities
- 50 Customer Service Activities
- First Aid for Stress - 34 Activities for Managing Stress in the Workplace
- Teambuilders - 10 Adventures in Working Together
Pentru oricare alt extras de Colectie de Activitati / Exercitii de invatare / evaluare - transmiteti-ne solicitarea pe adresa mirela.minciu@gmail.com
- Accountability Experience
- Best Boss Inventory - Theoretical Background
- Empowerment Profile - Theoretical Background
- Interpersonal Influence Inventory - Theoretical Background
- Leader-Manager Profile - Theoretical Background
- Performance Appraisal Skills Inventory - Theoretical Background
- Breakthrough Creativity Profile Theoretical Background
- Cave Without A Name Theoretical Background
- Change Reaction Theoretical Background
- Coaching Achievement Theory
- Facilitating Adult Learning
- Encouraging Innovation Theoretical Background
- Problem Solving Style Inventory Theory
- Leader Manager Profile Theory - Workshop & Assessement
- Common Currency - Business Game
- Asertiveness skills
- Communication mystery solved
- Communication skilss for emerging leaders
- Dealing with difficult conversations
- Developing positive relationships at work
- Effective listening skills
- Skillful collaboration
- Solid business writing
- Supervisor communication skills
- Talk like a leader
- The Art of Effective Communication
- The Art of Influencing Others
- Management
- Effective negotiation skills
- Selling Essentials - Coaching for performance
- Selling Essentials - Developing clients for life
- Selling Essentials - Opening the sales call
- Selling Essentials - Presenting solutions overcoming objections and closing the sale
- Selling Essentials - Prospecting and territory management
- Selling Essentials - Understanding the sales cycle
- Selling Essentials - What to ask and how to listen
Pentru oricare alt extras de Training Reproductibil / Reproducible Training - transmiteti-ne solicitarea pe adresa
5. PREVIEW: e-Learning
- Adapting Your Leadership Style e-Learning preview
- Art of Influencing-Others e-Learning preview
- Assertiveness Skills e-Learning preview
- Balancing Priorities e-Learning
- Behavioral Interviews e-Learning
- Business Etiquette e-Learning
- Coaching Conversations e-Learning
- Coaching for Development e-Learning
- Creative Problem Solving e-Learning
- Critical Thinking e-Learning preview
- Cultural Competency e-Learning
- Dealing with Difficult Conversations e-Learning preview
- Delegating For Growth e-Learning preview
- Developing Direct Reports e-Learning preview
- Developing Positive Relationships at Work e-Learning preview
- Developing Your Direct Reports e-Learning preview
- Diversity awareness e-Learning
- Effective Listening Skills e-learning preview
- Emotional intelligence e-Learning
- Employee engagement e-Learning
- Financial Intelligence e-Learning-preview
- Fundamentals of Strategic Planning e-Learning preview
- How to Make Yourself Indispensable e-Learning preview
- How to Manage your Emotions e-Learning preview
- Ideas Into Action e-Learning preview
- Increasing your Emotional Intelligence e-Learning preview
- Leadership 101 e-Learning preview
- Leading Others Through Change e-Learning preview
- Learning to manage e-Learning
- Managing offsite employees e-Learning preview
- Managing up e-Learning
- Meetings e-learning
- Mental Models e-Learning preview
- Navigating difficult conversations e-Learning
- Onboarding e-Learning
- Organizational trust e-Learning
- Productive Work Habits e-Learning preview
- Resilience e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials Coaching for Performance e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials Developing Clients for Life e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials Opening Sales Call e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials Presenting Solutions Overcoming Objections and Closing the Sale e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials Prospecting Territory Management e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials Understanding Sales Cycle e-Learning preview
- Selling Essentials What to Ask e-Learning preview
- Skillful Collaboration e-Learning preview
- Social Media at Work e-Learning preview
- Super manager e-Learning
- Systems thinking e-Learning
- Taking control of conflict e-Learning
- Talk like a leader e-Learning
- Team excellence e-Learning
- The Art and Science of Communication e-Learning preview
- The Art of Influencing-Others e-Learning preview
- The golden rule e-Learning
- Toughest Supervisor Challenges e-Learning preview
- Why we Struggle with Tough Decisions e-Learning preview
- Women and leadership e-Learning
Pentru oricare alt extras de Workshop / Assessment / Business Game - transmiteti-ne solicitarea pe adresa mirela.minciu@gmail.com