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Dealing With Tough Negotiators

You can't turn a tough negotiator into a collaborative, problem-solving partner. But you can achieve win-win outcomes if you apply the right negotiating techniques. HRDQ's Dealing with Tough Negotiators series will help your negotiators develop the skills they need. This 30-item assessment helps respondents identify their areas of strength and weakness in 5 key negotiating skill areas: Maintaining Composure, Developing Data, Refocusing the Discussion, Being Creative, and Handling Information Strategically.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn 5 key skills for dealing with tough negotiations
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in 5 skill areas
  • Practice handling tough negotiations
  • Understand how to enable win-win solutions with tough negotiators


Dealing with Tough Negotiators is based on a study of the relevant literature and the Model of Negotiating Behavior. The literature on collaborative negotiating points to 5 skills that move a negotiation back to constructive, objective discussion. These skills prepare the collaborative negotiator for both offense (proactive collaboration) and defense (wariness, solid research, and constant questioning).

The 5 negotiating skills are:

  • Maintaining Composure
  • Developing Data
  • Refocusing the Discussion
  • Being Creative
  • Handling Information Strategically

How It Works

With a particular situation and difficult negotiator in mind, participants respond to the 30 statements on the assessment. Participants then learn about the Model of Negotiating Behavior, score the assessment, and chart the results for each of the 5 negotiating skill sets. Interpretive information provides insight on scores and thought-provoking questions help participants think of ways to practice the 5 skills. Following the assessment, the Dealing with Tough Negotiators Workbook offers practice in applying the skills with the help of examples, prepared questions, and guidelines — the perfect tool for negotiators who are about to enter into a particularly difficult negotiation.

Uses for Dealing with Tough Negotiators

Both the Assessment and the Workbook are written for negotiators who have at least some negotiating experience. (For inexperienced negotiators, we suggest the
Negotiating Style Profile or the Negotiating Win-Win Solutions workshop as an introduction to basic, collaborative negotiating.)

Effective as stand-alone instruments or as part of a negotiating program, the Dealing with Tough Negotiators series helps negotiators who:

  • Are about to enter into a particularly difficult negotiation
  • Routinely face tough negotiating partners
  • Have become set in their negotiating tactics and need a refresher
  • Are familiar with collaborative negotiation, but lack the means to achieve it

What to Order/Product Contents

Order one Facilitator Guide per facilitator and one Participant Guide and Workbook per participant.

Facilitator Guide includes:

  • Administrative guidelines (for both Assessment and Workbook)
  • Theoretical background
  • Model of Negotiating Behavior.
  • Overview of 5 key negotiating skills
  • Training Design
  • Normative data
  • PowerPoint presentation (instructions for a free download)

Participant Guide includes:

  • 30-item assessment
  • Pressure-sensitive response form
  • Model of Negotiating Behavior
  • Overview of 5 key negotiating skills
  • Interpretive information
  • Diagram for charting scores
  • Reflection questions/action planning

Workbook includes:

  • Refresher in collaborative negotiation
  • Descriptions of the 5 key negotiating skills with practice tips
  • Examples of 15 different types of tough negotiations
  • Techniques for applying negotiating skills with tough negotiators
  • Worksheets to help prepare for actual negotiations


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Resurse De Training

LEADERSHIP si MANAGEMENT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COMUNICARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Business Games - Jocuri de invatare
INTELIGENTA EMOTIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL CONFLICTELOR SI AL STRESULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DIVERSITATEA SI HARTUIREA:cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL TIMPULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
TEAM BUILDING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL SCHIMBARII: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENT DE PROIECT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
ANALIZA, LUARE DECIZII, REZOLVARE PROBLEME: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
EVALUAREA SI DEZVOLTAREA PERFORMANTEI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
VANZARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DEZVOLTARE ORGANIZATIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
CUSTOMER SERVICE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
NEGOCIERE: kituri, resurse, cursuri, teste, activitati, jocuri
CREATIVITATE SI INOVATIE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COACHING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Evaluari de selectie, competente si instrumente HR (180, 360 grade)
Exercitii pentru Evaluare si Training
Simulari, Situatii, Scenarii de Business (28)
Arhiva Evenimente, Cursuri, Coaching
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