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  Operatiuni Speciale, Intelligence, Avertizari de Integritate, Securitate Globala | Demo Teste, Cursuri, Kituri, Simulari, Exercitii, Resurse de Training si Assessmen | Despre Mirela Minciu (Gilca) -Consultant /Trainer/ Evaluator | Contact | Testimoniale | Blog Mirela Minciu (Gilca)


Testimoniale & Recomandari



Orange RomaniaEuropharm Distributie (GSK); PepsiCo; BioRomOil; Vimetco ExtrusionUnited Media


Testimoniale cursuri / evaluari / consilieri / consultanta - Mirela Minciu (Gîlcă)

Florin Iordackioiu - Management Development Consultant Orange Romania 12, Jan 2018

Am avut privilegiul sa implementam produse Dekon (resurse de training) in situatii de invatare legate de activitati de vanzare, negociere sau lucru in echipa cu succese importante (Tall Ships, Strike Fighter etc). In plus am apreciat versatilitatea produselor in ideea in care ele pot fi usor asociate cu alte produse (de exemplu, continuturi de invatare de tip prezentare sau instrumente psihometrice) pentru a capitaliza in mod maximal experienta de invatare.

Constantin Balan - Head Of Training Department, Alpha Bank 06, Mar 2018

Alpha Bank Romania utilizeaza resurse de training iar Mars Surface Rover, Communication Derailed, Jungle Escape si alte activitati practice au fost integrate in workshop-urile de leadership adresate managerilor companiei. Resursele de training de la Dekon ne-au ajutat sa aducem partea experientiala in procesul de training iar colegii nostri au apreciat acest fapt. Practic am sporit cu minim 30% eficienta procesului de invatare prin resursele achizitionate. Pe langa partea experientiala am achizitionat si module de cursuri interne profitand de experienta dnei Mirela Minciu. Modulele de training reproductibil de abilitati manageriale si management al timpului au fost folosite intens cu rezultate foarte bune.

Corina Neagu – Coach & Consultant – Dare, noiembrie 2019

Pe Mirela Minciu si Dekon îi cunosc de prin 2011. Mirela e genul de antreprenor orientat către soluții și oameni, mereu găsește modalitatea cea mai eficientă ca relația să fie win-win, e deschisă și extrem de pozitivă. Resursele Dekon m-au ajutat și mă ajut


Cristian Zaha – General Manager - TUI Romania, mai 2020

Workshopurile online au avut o abordare interdisciplinara, interactiva, cu aplicabilitate concreta in domeniul turismului, care iti ofera o perspectiva relevanta asupra psihologiei consumatorului si totodata, solutii strategice de business pentru a veni in intampinarea nevoilor constiente sau latente ale acestora. 

Insasi din selectia temelor aprofudate pe parcursul workshopurilor, care raspund cerintelor actuale ale pietei, se pot deduce multiplele valente ale Mirelei Minciu, care pe langa faptul ca este un trainer si un psiholog abil, are viziunea  si solutiile practice ale unui om cu o vasta experienta de business la activ. 

  HR Manager Gral Medical - Silvia Cojocaru

”Pot spune ca mi-am atins obiectivele participand la acest curs (HR pentru Manageri: Recrutarea si Selectie Angajatilor – curs sutinut de Mirela Minciu). Va multumesc pentru entuziasmul cu care ati prezentat cursul. M-ati facut cel putin curioasa sa citesc si sa utilizez instrumentele de recrutare si selectie. Chiar daca nu ne cunosteam (inainte de curs - n.r.) as lucra oricand cu Dekon HR” 

 Adriana Curalariu - Manager Gral Medical

”Mi-as dori sa fie multe astfel de cursuri precum cel de recrutare. Va multumesc pentru entuziasmul cu care ati  prezentat cursul.”

Vasile Nistor – Sales Manager – Life Tour - Agentie de turism

Trainingul organizat de Dekon Business Solutions – PSIHOLOGIA VANZARILOR IN TURISM-  ne-a deschis larg ochii si ne-a invatat sa ascultam si sa intelegem mult mai bine ce este in in mintea consumatorului de servicii turistice. 

Trebuie sa recunosc ca are si un mare minus: crește rata de conversie si după ai nevoie de energie si motivatie pentru a putea sa răspunzi la numărul mare de cereri. 

Andreea Madalina Lack – Fides Travel – Agentie de Turism

Am întâlnit-o pe Mirela acum 5 ani în cadrul unei școli de turism. Seminariile ei au însemnat foarte mult pentru mine si activitatea în agenție. Am învățat să ofertez mai bine, în funcție de nevoile turistului și am înțeles că interacțiunea cu turistul și comunicarea sunt mai presus decât cel mai mic tarif de pe piață. Tot datorită seminariilor ținute de Mirela am conștientizat și mai mult cât de important este să reacționezi rapid și sigur la noile obiceiuri de cumpărare. Aș putea spune multe despre Mirela, aș putea susține chiar un seminar despre ea, dar în încheiere vă spun ce îmi place mie cel mai mult la ea: la ea NU exista NU.. cu ea găsești soluții, ea gândește strategic. Mulțumesc  Mirela.

Lucia Urlan – Ex- Manager Comercial Christian Tour -  Actual Traveliana - General Manager

                  Va adresez aceasta scrisoare de recomandare pentru a o prezenta pe d-na Mirela Minciu.

Am cunoscut-o in anul 2014, atunci cand echipa Christian Tour organiza unul dintre cele mai frumoase proiecte B2B, Scoala de primavara. Ideea de baza a acestui proiect a fost crearea unei comunitati formate din partenerii companiei. Organizam diferite cursuri si intalniri care dezvoltau relatia de colaborare, dar avea si efecte de dezvoltare personala pentru fiecare participant.

Mirela a fost si este trainerul care a participat la toate editiile proiectului (6 ani si inca continua) si este unul dintre persoanele care pus baza acestei comunitati. Este o persoana inteligenta, muncitoare si foarte motivata, capabila sa gaseasca mereu cea mai buna solutie la problemele aparute.

Pe parcursul proiectelor in care a fost implicata, am observat abilitatile ei de adaptare si un inalt nivel de creativitate.

Are un stil de lucru profesionist, increzator si o atitudine proactiva, oferind mereu solutii potrivite, datorita capacitatii de previzionare si gandire in ansamblu.


Pe baza celor mentionate, o recomand cu incredere pe d-na Mirela Minciu si pregatiti-va sa va surprinda intr-un mod foarte placut.

 Testimoniale pentru Simularea HR - Millennials Retention & Engagement - sustinut de Mirela Minciu, invitat Vlad Burtaverde.

”Cele mai importante lucruri pe care le-am invatat au fost definitia Millennials, nevoile lor si dorintele acestora” - HR Manager

”Mi-a placut foarte mult activitatea de simulare a realizării unei strategii privind retenția, mi-a placut schimbul de pareri si opinii, mi-a placut ideile aplicate in alte companii” - Bretfelean Manuela, Specialist Evaluare, Formare si Selectie Azomures







Testimonials about HRDQ's products (Reproducible Training, Training Resources) 

 Clienti Internationali - utilizatori resurse de training 


"Over the years, I have used the Personal Style Inventory with over 500 associates in the university and Fortune 500 environments. The results and reactions are truly amazing. The lights go on for people who discover their preferences for the first time as well as for those who have a confirmed 'type.' So useful and helpful for understanding the dynamics of group work."

William J. Mc Cluskey, Vice President
JPMorgan Chase


"What's My Communication Style? opened our eyes right from the beginning. Because we took the online version and received our results ahead of time, we were intrigued and came to the session ready to talk. The a-ha came when we learned how to deal with people who have styles different from ours."

Christine Beck-McKay, President

McDonald's Restaurants, Women Operators Network

"We participated in TeamPower as a management group and were so excited with the positive effects that we decided to roll the program out to all members of our customer commitment network"

Barbara Woolsey, Manager of Curriculum Development

Abbott Laboratories

"NegotiatingSuccess is fun yet challenging. The intensity of practice allows participants of the program to leave feeling comfortable applying new skills."

Annette M. Cremo, PhD

President - Performance Plus Training & Consulting, LLC

"We used Working Through Organizational Change with college administrators and professionals in banking, healthcare and telecommunications. They loved the interaction - they had been through other lecture-type training before and were happy it was different. The day went by quickly and they learned a lot."

H. Nathan Charles, PhD

President, The Lancaster Consulting Group

"A major food retailer selected LeadingSuccess after an extensive review of 18 leadership programs. The company has trained just half of its 2,000 managers so far, but already the results are in. The program has improved leadership skills, reduced turnover, boosted employee satisfaction ratings and increased sales"

Gary Turner, President

Turner Consulting

"Team and management effectiveness are two of the most sensitive indicators to organizational health. Assessments reveal whether teams and managers will thrive in the face of change. If the teams are fractured they won't survive it. If managers are ineffective they can't lead the change."

Andy Hartnett President, Symmetry Consulting

HRDQ’s focus on research and validation — their diligence to back-up — is what sets the products apart. They go above and beyond anything else I’ve seen."

Lynn Russell President, Dynamic Alliances, Inc.

"An integral part of team and leadership development is acquiring and/or enhancing communication and influencing skills. The III goes right to the heart of this issue in a manner that enlightens but does not intrude upon participants' self-esteem. I highly recommend this product."

Dr. Kathy G. Lowery
Contemporary Learning Concepts

As both a professor and a consultant, I use What’s My Communication Style? on a regular basis. The model is simple and lets you get into a lot of good conversation."

Les Helms Professor, Columbus State Community College
President, L&L Training Solutions Inc.

"What’s My Communication Style? helped me gain a lot of clarity on how to coach people — specifically managers — on how to manage others more efficiently. I coached a Systematic manager with a Spirited employee. By taking the assessment, the manager realized she had a highly skilled employee but hadn’t valued him because she had expected him to be like her. If people really stop to understand how their style impacts communication, it can make a big difference in their relationships with others."

Kerrie Halmi

President - Halmi Performance Consulting

"It takes a little more effort to do experiential training vs a lecture but a month later I know I am going to get an email saying 'A-ha, I get it!'"

Michele McDonald, PHR

Director of Human Resources  - Fashion Bug

"Pitney Bowes uses Becoming a Customer Service Star in a half-day training program for all frontline employees. It opens participants’ eyes to their skill level and attitudes towards customer service, and even the most experienced customer service team members learn how they can improve their performance."

Erik Warner Training, Pitney Bowes Management Services

"Burger King chose Black Bear to train over 700 store managers. Black Bear was unique, engaging, interactive, and challenging, and enabled our training team to teach decision-making and team-building skills and concepts in a memorable way. The participants’ response was the best we have had in a long time."

Brendan Berg, Management Training Facilitator
Burger King Corporation

"I use Black Bear and Jungle Escape for the team-building course I teach as part of a business curriculum. The students always respond positively and get excited about the learning."

James E. Ulinksi, M.A., B.S.
Instructor, Penn State University
President, Ulinski Services Advantage

"I've used Conflict Strategies Inventory with clients at various levels in banking, manufacturing, and the legal profession. I like the fact that it challenges people to look at conflict differently. It not only stimulates a lot of valuable discussion, it's actionable, which is the biggest reason I chose it.

Glen R. Whipple
LTI Consulting LLC

"We had a very positive experience with Mastering the Change Curve. The seminar provided a clear context and a non-threatening environment for participants to identify and own their change stage. Secondly, the exercises provided a combination of guidance and open discussion for individuals to name and begin implementing action steps allowing them to move forward toward Commitment."

Rick Marchiori Regional VP of Training

"Selling Skills Inventory helps people realize that the sales representative must focus on the customer’s needs – rather than focus on pushing a product. That way, sales representatives can build real, ongoing relationships with their customers that an be deepened in the future."

Elizabeth Nieto
Vice President, Sales & Service
LACB (Latin America Consumer Bank), Citibank

The Negotiating Style Profile helps individuals to step back from a
situation, determine if the style they are using is most effective, and
choose one that is appropriate. I’ve used it for many years to train
scientists, government personnel, and corporate leaders and it has proven valid every time. Over and over people take it and say, ‘That’s me. How do they get me in so few questions?"

Michael Milano, President
Murphy and Milano, Inc

"The Trust instrument was a great way to get a discussion going [on trust] and ultimately develop improved trust with our senior management team."

Stewart H. Goodman, Quality Director
Rexam DSI

Building The Communication Bridge brought my participants powerful insight into their method and manner of communication. They were able to learn and practice valuable techniques for communicating more successfully with a variety of people - a critical skill for today's competitive marketplace.

Karen Nowosad

Director - The Gardner Associates


 Testimoniale & Recomandari Dekon


 Europharm Distributie (GSK)PepsiCo; BioRomOil; Vimetco ExtrusionUnited Media


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Resurse De Training

LEADERSHIP si MANAGEMENT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COMUNICARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Business Games - Jocuri de invatare
INTELIGENTA EMOTIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL CONFLICTELOR SI AL STRESULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DIVERSITATEA SI HARTUIREA:cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL TIMPULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
TEAM BUILDING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL SCHIMBARII: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENT DE PROIECT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
ANALIZA, LUARE DECIZII, REZOLVARE PROBLEME: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
EVALUAREA SI DEZVOLTAREA PERFORMANTEI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
VANZARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DEZVOLTARE ORGANIZATIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
CUSTOMER SERVICE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
NEGOCIERE: kituri, resurse, cursuri, teste, activitati, jocuri
CREATIVITATE SI INOVATIE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COACHING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Evaluari de selectie, competente si instrumente HR (180, 360 grade)
Exercitii pentru Evaluare si Training
Simulari, Situatii, Scenarii de Business (28)
Arhiva Evenimente, Cursuri, Coaching
DEKON a devenit partener HRDQ
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